computer software
that can translate
English words into
Indonesian. An
example is the
Dictionary of 2:04
made by programmers
from Yogyakarta.
There is also Stardict,
dictionary that can
translate several
languages in the world
one of them
Indonesian. But this
software to translate a
word. So how to
translate a sentence of
English into
Indonesian or vice
versa?. You can use the
facilities of Google,
namely Google
Transalate. To request
assistance, you can
visit this address
http:// /
translate. But what if
you do not have
internet connection?.
Maybe you can use
software translator per
sentence. One of them
is Transtool. But this
time I will not discuss
the software, because
for some people, how
to install Transtool is
complicated. I found a
better software and
better than Transtool,
even portable, too.
This means that
software which I will
review it can be
brought into the
Flashdisc and can be
used on any computer.
Finally, software
translator per sentence
which I will introduce
is called Indopreter. To
use Indopreter You do
not need to install it.
Simply click, then
Indopreter will
immediately be run
and you can quickly
translate English
sentences you to a
sentence in Indonesian
and vice versa. But do
not ever expect a
perfect translation.
Since none in this
world is perfect. Here is
a screenshot of
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