Pada room ini saya bekerja dengan jasa "hack your phone" sehingga phone s60 3rd, and 5th anda bisa di install dengan bermacam-macam aplikasi istimewa yang tentunya menjadi ciri khas phone symbian, seperti: anti virus, N-gage2.0, jbak taskman, dan aplikasi lain nya. Di sini anda bisa request software hack "signed" seperti= helloOX, Secman, mapdrive, rompathcher dan sebagai nya yang signed dengan cerkey imei anda, sehingga jika di install di phone anda "hacked sucsesfully"
Tentunya dalam hal ini saya minta donasi dari anda sebesar 25.000 rupiah saja.!. (untuk kawasan indonesia)
dan $3 dalam satuan dollar
Jika berminat, sertakan imei dan tipe phone anda dengan menekan *#06# , bisa diruang coment di bawah ini atau di chatbox yg di sedia kan!.
Aplikasi hack signednya akan saya posting DI SINI
Konfirmasi ke No. Phone saya jika anda berminat melakukan pem bayaran di : +6281703080073
( In this room I am working with a service "to hack your phone" so that the phone s60 3rd, 5th and you can be installed with a variety of special applications which must be characteristic of symbian phones, such as: anti virus, N- gage2.0, jbak taskman , and its other applications. Here you can request a software hack "signed" as = helloOX, Secman, mapdrive, his rompathcher and as cerkey signed with your IMEI, so if the install on your phone "hacked sucsesfully" Surely in this case I asked for donations from your registration 15 000 rupiah.!. (For Indonesia) and $ 3 in units of dollars If interested, please include your phone type and IMEI by pressing * # 06 #, can coment room below or on the Chatbox antecedent's ready!.If he signed the application ready, I'll post, IN HERE
Confirmation myPhone number if you've been doing development fee at: +6281703080073. )
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